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Falcon BMS 4.32 - Update 3

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il LUI
il LUI
a.k.a: Agente Smith

Registrato: Feb 19, 2006
Messaggi: 4197
Località: Pavia
Regione: Lombardia

MessaggioInviato: Mer Lug 25, 2012 00.47    Oggetto: Falcon BMS 4.32 - Update 3 Rispondi citando

Come da oggetto si avvisa che è stata rilasciata la nuova patch UPDATE 3 disponibile per Falcon 4.0 BMS

il file di aggiornamento è disponibile nell'area download della comunità DOWNLOAD / Principale / FALCON 4.0 BMS / Pacchetti Base , oppure semplicemente clikkando su questo link

***ATTENZIONE*** l'installazione dell'UPDATE 3 è completamente identico alla procedura di installazione delle 2 precedenti update, quindi NON lanciate l'eseguibile di update dalla cartella di BMS installato ed funzionante, ma scaricate e lanciate il file dentro la cartella in cui avete originariamente scompattato i file di BMS, dell'update 1 e dell'update 2. Per finalizzare l'aggiornamento eseguite nuovamente il SETUP.EXE.

***ATTENZIONE IMPORTANTE*** Il server online di BMS di Viaf non sarà immediatamente aggiornato alla patch update 3. E' in fase di scheduling l'update della stessa nei giorni tra domenica mattina del 29 lulgio e lunedi mattina del 30. Sarà comunicata tramite apposito post nel thread "Comunicazioni VIAF NO PROFIT" l'inizio e la fine delle attività di aggiornamento. Si invitato tutti gli utenti di BMS di "NON INSTALLARE" la update 3 fino a completo aggiornamento del server. In caso contrario non sarà possibile per loro connettersi al server se le versioni server / client non sono correttamente allineate alla stessa release.

Update 3 release notes.

« » ha scritto:
- Fixed old DED/PFL state being transmitted to shared mem if UFCPower not available.
- Fixed DLINK remembering last state after DLINK power down/failure. Fixed DED displaying DLINK data if DLINK is powered down/failed.
- Fixed deterministic weather changing briefly back to SUNNY during weather changes.
- New config variable g_nPickleSpikeTolerance (default 10) added. This sets a tolerance in ms before pickle releases are actually executed. SimPickle is sensitive to external input system "spiking", i.e. micro-releases. If a new pickle press is registered during the tolerance period, the original release is discarded.
- CTD Fix in RakNet's ReliabilityLayer::HandleSocketReceiveFromConnectedPlayer().
- Fix for "the battle of sinai" MissileClass::CommandGuide CTD.
- Fix for 2nd entry to 3d timing out in pie screen.
- Buffer overwrite fixes, Mem leak fixes, NULL pointer checks.
- Fixed the range knob position to affect FCR gain and TGP zoom only when actually moved under SOI. This way there will not be "jumps" when switching SOI .
- Flight cannot be deleted anymore when players are in (will avoid other invisible player cases). Added proper error message for deleting flights which contain human pilots.
- Changed default keyfile for new pilots to BMS.key (was keystrokes.key before).
- Added new key callbacks "SimPause" and "SimResume" (in addition to the existing combined "SimTogglePaused").
- Pilot entertainment system:
-- added possibility to pause/resume (in addition to start/stop), new callback "WinAmpTogglePause".
-- changed DCS SEQ to call TogglePause (pause/resume) instead of TogglePlayback (start/stop).
- Fixed reverse FCR gain w/ rage knob direction. Fixed FCR gain w/ rage knob changing if FCR is not SOI.
- Fixed horn silencer button animation in 3D pit.
- Fixed some analogue controller axes appearing twice in the UI drop-down boxes.
- Enhanced AFResetTrim/ResetTrim so that it can "unstuck" runaway trim states as well.
- Changed the hotasPinkyHold timer for DX shifting to use real time.
- Added config option which allows the MP host to specify the available launch options (RAMP/TAXI/TAKEOFF): set g_nMPStartRestricted (default 0=RAMP/TAXI/TAKEOFF, 1=RAMP/TAXI, 2=RAMP)
- Added config options which allow the MP host to restrict Smoke and NVG usage:
-- set g_bAllowMP_NVG (default 1/true)
-- set g_bAllowMP_Smoke (default 1/true)
- Fixed player option "UI Radio Chatter" having no effect unless it is actively changed.
- Fixed fuel flow indicator range (it's maxing out at 80.000 pph now).
- Invisible Aircraft in MP fix.
- Changed command line option "-nomovie", it will disable ALL movie playback now. If you only want to disable the intro movie, use the proper "set g_bPlayIntroMovie 0" config setting instead (it's available in the config editor as well).
- Fixed Laser ARM switch, it can now be set independent of Master ARM.
- DTE MFD page changes:
-- Fixed loading highlighting order to be counter-clockwise (was clockwise before),
-- page now shows the actual INI file name(s) as DTC ID for easy reference.
- Fixed FCR radar cursors, they can't be slewed anymore while AC is on ground.
- Fixed Data Link modes and the assignment ID’s, they are no longer displayed on the FCR if DL power is off.
- Fixed antenna elevation, it can only be changed now if FCR is SOI.
- Fixed some MFDs in greenmode/non-color mode, which were still using colors.
- Fixed exporting displays to shared texture memory area (will work again in the same way that it did for OpenFalcon and BMS 2): Setting g_bExportRTTTextures to 1 will create a shared texture memory area (even w/o external displays enabled), named "FalconTexturesSharedMemoryArea". This does work as well with double RTT resolution! The shared mem area is not updated every frame, but every g_nRTTExportBatchSize frame (defaults to 2).
- Changed version string output in both the main UI and the monolog file to be: "Falcon BMS x.y.z (plat) Build n", e.g. "Falcon BMS 4.32.2 (x86) Build 10900". This allows for easier identifying of the actual applied update for the end-users (x=major, y=minor, z=micro/Update), while keeping the actual build version in there for dev reference.
- Fixed squadron patches not completely/all showing in UI logbook.
- Implemented generic Airbase validity check. "Faulty" Airbases will no longer cause a CTD, but a MonoLog output which includes the name, VU_ID and the X/Y position for tracking. Adjusted all Airbase checks in landme.cpp to use the generic check.
- Fix for BuildControllerList() CTD in case an input device is enumerated, but for some reason has no valid name string.
- Fixed possible "out of index" CTD when building video driver or resolution list.
- Corrected ObjectLOD::ReadFromFile() to ensure the target ObjectLOD stays valid (but empty) if a file error occurs. Formerly, the target ObjectLOD was partly set to undefined values in case of a file error.

- Fixed tower calling out RWY 32 at Kimpo as 31.
- Applies the fix for the M2000 additional air intakes (see U2) to the 2000-D and 2000-N cockpit 3D wings.
- A complete overhaul to TE00 Ramp start training script.
- Added proper error message string for deleting flights which contain human pilots.
- Added new dedicated SimPause and SimResume callbacks to BMS.key (unmapped), in addition to the existing SimTogglePaused callback.
- Fix for the block 32 AFM.
- Added config options which allow the MP host to invoke some restrictions:
-- set g_bAllowMP_NVG 1 // Allows the MP host to specify whether NVGs can be used (default 1/true)
-- set g_bAllowMP_Smoke 1 // Allows the MP host to specify whether Smoke can be used (default 1/true)
-- set g_nMPStartRestricted 0 // Allows the MP host to specify which startup options are allowed (default 0=RAMP/TAXI/TAKEOFF, 1=RAMP/TAXI, 2=RAMP)
- Fixes a bug with the missing HTS sensor, that prevents from locking any target when the AS-37 (anti-radiation) missile is loaded. Added a line "Has_HTS 1" to mirage2k9.dat and mirage2kd.dat
- Fixed radar not being able to acquire EF2000 and JAS39 by changing their radar surface ratio to 91% of F-16 (detection will be around 33Nm now).
- Added new options for the shared texture memory area to "Falcon BMS.cfg":
-- set g_bExportRTTTextures 0 // This enables the shared texture memory area for HUD/MFDs/HMS/RWR/DED/PFL. This is independent from BMS external window usage!
-- set g_nRTTExportBatchSize 2 // This determines how often the shared texture memory area (if it is enabled) will be updated (every Nth frame, default is 2).
- Updated rumble.ogg sound: removed crackle when playback starts (Touchdown), start and ending off rumble sample zeroised and loop optimized (thanks to Livrot).
- Corrected transparency for pilot pictures, none of them will show up "pink" anymore.
- Added squadron patches for:
-- 121st VFS Grim Griffins
-- 320vFW e-HAF
-- 323sq Nemesis
-- 324sq Grypes
-- 325sq Pelekis
-- 326sq Aspis
-- ViperDrivers
- Corrected squadron patch for:
-- 87th Straydogs (got rid of pink border)
- Removed faulty squadron patches:
-- 321 vTS Centaur
-- Ukraine Air Force

Game PC: Intel i7 960 3,20GHz@Core, MB Intel EXTREME DX58SO,16 GB RAM DDR3 1800 Corsair, 2xATI7970 3Gb DDR5 CrossFire, 4Tb HD Hitachi7200RPM 500khrs24x7, Windows 7 ULTIMATE 64
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